Focus On Improving Day By Day, It’s Easier

Pressure is good, but don’t expect to be your best version overnight

Brandon Bell


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

So, you’ve decided to take on self-improvement but the results that you were hoping for are not coming to fruition. This can be the case whether you’ve been working on yourself for a couple of days or for a couple of years.

Becoming the best version of yourself is a lifetime process whether you want to believe it or not. Of course, you can level up each year of your life but the ultimate goal that you have can seem far away.

There is a risk involved when getting into self-help, you’re not guaranteed anything, you have to try it yourself in order for you to see the benefits that it comes with.

What about the cons?

Well, depending on how you look at your journey there can be a lot or a few. Yes, you’re going to get tired and you’re going to want to give up but this is simply part of the process.

Overnight success is something that you shouldn’t believe in when getting into self-improvement, even if you do get the overnight spotlight that you’ve always wanted by doing only a little bit of work, do you think you can maintain it?

Look, everyone is built differently and everyone has a reason for being here but you need to understand that everyone is on a constant journey in life. It may feel like you’re in a race with others but people are going at different paces.

The race you think you’re in may not be compared to a race a five-year-old child is in. Dedicate each day to improving yourself and the journey will become a lot easier.

Your future is undetermined, so why focus every second of the day on it. Focus on the present and focus on what you can do now to live the life you want to live and become the person you want to be.

There are no shortcuts but if you are looking for an easy way out then you can forget about the self-improvement thing because you need mental toughness to get through it and usually those hard times are where most people become stronger and more competitive.

The First Hour of Your Day



Brandon Bell

A young adult who’s writing is geared towards self-improvement and self care. “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”