What Are You a Geek About?

What are you studying behind closed doors?

Brandon Bell


Would you consider yourself a geek? If not, then you must not realize that you’re truly a geek about something, everyone has something they’re into that may be considered weird. Believe it or not, some of the coolest people you know have some sort of weird obsession.

Some of the most “alpha” guys I know are into anime, that doesn’t stop them from being their true selves around people. Whatever it is that you like and no one knows about, embrace it.

You’ll end up being more attractive to people because you’re not afraid to be yourself. If you’re having trouble being yourself, start doing something that involves something you’re into and really understand why you like it so much.

Once you understand why you like something so much, you don’t have any problem explaining yourself to people who may think you’re a weirdo. Let’s be honest, people can be mean sometimes and we don't want to give off a bad impression.

People will definitely appreciate you more when you’re able to bring weird topics up and when you’re being honest about them as well. Today I got a chance to speak with one of the top financial advisors for the company I’m interning for. You would think that all this guy does is study the stock market and call clients all…



Brandon Bell

A young adult who’s writing is geared towards self-improvement and self care. “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”