Why It’s Okay to Have an Imperfect Schedule

If your day doesn’t go as planned, what should you do?

Brandon Bell


A good schedule only lasts for so long, it’s rare to make a perfect schedule for yourself. Every now and then you may come up with a very strategic plan of how your day is going to go and your day may be very similar to that plan.

What prevents you from having a perfect schedule is random feelings or external forces getting in the way of what you want to do. Maybe you wanted to do a little bit of spring cleaning today but all of a sudden you’re tired.

You could be tired from a big lunch you had or maybe you didn’t get enough sleep the night before. Whatever the feelings you’re having, you didn’t see them coming which makes you upset. Do you think this isn’t common for a lot of people?

Everyone goes through different obstacles during the day and some people decide to push through those obstacles and some people decide to try again tomorrow. Which option is the smartest one to go with?

If you decide to push through the obstacle despite how you’re feeling you may cause yourself to burnout or give up halfway into the activity you’re doing. If you wait to do it the next day you are left with less time to do the activity and you may still not feel like doing the activity.

Both options have their pros and cons but it’s okay to not have a perfect schedule. If you don’t get to finish everything on your to-do list then you have something to look forward to the next day.

Be proud of yourself for making the schedule in the first place. Making a schedule can be hard to do at times because as humans we put so much pressure on ourselves.

You know how much pressure you can handle and you know there will be times where you’re going to have to do something you don’t want to do. Your schedule plays a major factor in how your day is going to go but it’s important to remember that the schedule you write down in the morning or the night before will always be a rough draft and never the final product.

There Are Many Things That Are Out of Your Control



Brandon Bell

A young adult who’s writing is geared towards self-improvement and self care. “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”