You Must Not Know What a Good Day Looks Like

There are better days to come

Brandon Bell
6 min readAug 17, 2021
Photo by Akash Rai on Unsplash

So, you’re not having a good day and you don’t know what caused it. Well, this is something that everyone deals with from time to time, we wake up in a bad mood, it happens for whatever reason. Do you think it’s fair to yourself to have a bad day without even trying to change it into a good one?

You must not know what a good day looks like because many of the days we consider be to be “good” start off as ordinary or bad. There’s nothing wrong with having a bad day, despite how it makes you feel terrible at every second but it’s good when we notice.

When we’re able to notice that we’re not feeling good or that we’re having a bad day, we give ourselves the opportunity to change it. Now, the hard part about changing a bad day to a good day is that you have to change your thoughts.

It’s really hard to change your thoughts within a few seconds but it can be done within a few hours. If you just focus on the good that’s already in your life, you will raise your frequency up to a point where you can feel your day starting to change.

What’s the matter? Are you scared that this won’t work? Well, you’ve probably heard the phrase that there are “good days ahead,” and if we didn't believe in that then we wouldn't have a reason to…



Brandon Bell

A young adult who’s writing is geared towards self-improvement and self care. “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”